What are grits? Grits are a corn-based dish that is served across the nation but they are much more common in the south. The south makes up ¾ of these sold in the United States. Most northerners do not like them and most of northerners haven’t a clue how to cook them. Join us to learn a little about their nutrition and various ways to serve grits, including our favorite ways.

This dish made from corn is a staple in the south. There are many types of them including, hominy, white, yellow, sweet, plain and savory grits. They are bland tasting, with a grainy texture and a tradition in the south.

Why Grits are Important to the South?

Grits as we know them in the South probably originated from the Native Americans. The Native Americans made a porridge from cornmeal. In the South, we use the kernels to make grits. Corn is a plentiful crop in the south and serves as the base of this dish. They have some nutritive benefit, however, the way you prepare them can diminish their healthy presence on your table.

Grits can be served as a vegetarian dish or not. It is all in how you prepare them as to whether you make these vegetarian or not. They are not low carb so won’t fit into a keto diet well. They do fit well into the DASH Diet and some other diets.

How to cook them

How you cook grits makes a difference in whether you like them. Some of the worst ones I have had were at places like Cracker Barrel and hotels. I have also had breakfast at hotels that had fabulous grits. If your only experience eating them is at Cracker Barrel you owe it to yourself to make some homemade or find a popular local restaurant in the south and order some.

Preparing breakfast grits

In my opinion, the best way to cook grits is not to follow the package instructions! That is right, break the rules. The recipe on the back of the package usually recommends cooking in water. I cook them with broth (vegetable, chicken or beef) or I use a combination of cream or milk and water. To me this is a key to creamy tasty grits. Another key is to buy original gits or quick cooking grits. Stay away from instant grits. The cooking process is part of what makes this dish taste good.

Types of grits

There are really three types of grits. The first type is plain. These are cooked in water and salt and butter are added. These may be served with toast or any breakfast. Many people will add gravy to them at breakfast.

The next type are breakfast grits served sweet or savory. Fruit, nuts, syrup, and brown sugar are common items found in sweet grits at breakfast. One of my favorites is banana maple. For these, I prepare them using milk and water. I prepare the bananas separately and we serve these in individual bowls. I put the grits in the bowl, top with the banana mixture and drizzle with warm maple syrup. I like to do this for smaller groups and more intimate breakfasts. For larger groups, I would prepare the grits using milk and water and put the big serving bowl of grits out with toppings such as brown sugar, sliced bananas, nuts and syrup as options.

Breakfast grits can also be savory. You can serve them with bacon, cheese, chopped tomatoes and onions as a breakfast choice.

When preparing vegetarian grits for a side dish or main dish, I use vegetable broth in place of water when cooking them. Red peppers, onions and other vegetables make a great topping for these. I like to do the veggies like a stir fry and then place on top.

My favorite savory grits are made using chicken broth. This is a preference and beef broth works too. When making these, I serve them up in individual bowls. I cook them in the broth. Then mix in grated Habanero Gouda cheese and White Vermont Cheddar. I then spoon them into individual bowls and top with additional grated cheese and chives.

How to serve this southern dish

The sky is the limit when you are thinking about how to serve this flexible southern dish at your next meal or gathering. I find it fun to serve specific recipes in individual servings with garnishes to add a special feeling to the dish. If I am serving a large group, I find a grits bar to be most effective. Setting out a serving dish and having small bowls with lots of options for toppings so that guests may mix in their favorites.

Southern Style

If you haven’t eaten them before, try them and let us know what you think. If you would like us to point you to a few really great recipes, post a comment or shoot us a message.

You can find this traditional southern dish all around the south if you want to try them but aren’t ready to commit to cooking them just yet. In South Carolina, you can find the World Grits Festival. Check out their website, www.worldgritsfestival.com

Send us your favorite recipes and photos for this southern dish!

Last but not least, share your favorite recipes with us and send or post photos of your favorite way to eat them!!  You can always reach us by commenting or using our contact us page!

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